How much does a breast lift cost?

how much does a breast lift cost

The information provided in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Although the author is a medical professional, the information presented here does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions about your health or treatment

The cost of a breast lift is an important consideration for individuals considering this cosmetic procedure. It’s essential to understand the factors that influence pricing and to have a clear understanding of the expenses involved. In this article, we will explore the average cost of a breast lift, factors that influence pricing, breakdown of expenses, insurance coverage, financing options, geographical impact on cost, the importance of choosing a qualified surgeon, combining breast lift with other procedures, post-surgery costs, the longevity of breast lift results, and how to prepare for potential expenses during a consultation. By the end of this article, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with a breast lift and be better equipped to make informed decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  • The average cost of a breast lift in the United States is $5,817, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  • Factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of procedure chosen, and the geographical location can influence the cost.
  • Insurance usually does not cover the cost of a breast lift unless it is deemed medically necessary.
  • Financing options are available to help make breast lift surgery more affordable.
  • Choosing a qualified surgeon is crucial to achieve the desired results and minimize the risk of complications.

Understanding Mastopexy: An Overview of Breast Lift Procedures

Before diving into the cost of a breast lift, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what this procedure entails. A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure aimed at raising and reshaping sagging or drooping breasts. It involves removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissues to create a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing breast contour.

The goal of mastopexy is to lift the breasts, improve their shape, and restore symmetry. There are different types of breast lift surgeries, each with its own specific technique and incision pattern:

  • Periareolar lift: This technique involves incisions made around the areola to lift and reshape the breasts.
  • Vertical lift: Also known as a lollipop lift, this procedure utilizes incisions around the areola and vertically down the breast, allowing for more significant lifting and reshaping.
  • Anchor lift: This technique involves incisions made around the areola, vertically down the breast, and horizontally along the breast crease, giving the surgeon the most control over reshaping and lifting the breasts.

Understanding these aspects of mastopexy will provide a solid foundation for understanding the associated costs.

How much does a breast lift cost?

Now onto the main question: how much does a breast lift cost? The average cost of a breast lift in the United States is $5,817, as reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. However, it’s important to note that this average cost only includes the surgeon’s fee and does not encompass other related expenses such as anesthesia, operating room facilities, or medical tests. The final cost will vary depending on various factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the type of procedure chosen, and the geographical location of the practice.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the factors that influence the cost of a breast lift and provide more detailed information on what to expect in terms of expenses.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Your Breast Lift

Several factors play a significant role in determining the cost of a breast lift procedure. When discussing pricing with a plastic surgeon during a consultation, it’s important to consider these factors to gain a clearer picture of what to expect and make an informed decision.

  1. Surgeon’s experience and reputation: The skill and expertise of the plastic surgeon can impact the cost of a breast lift. Highly experienced and reputable surgeons may have higher fees due to their proven track record of successful surgeries.
  2. Geographic location: The location of the practice can also influence the cost of a breast lift. Major urban areas and regions with higher costs of living tend to have higher prices for cosmetic procedures, including breast lifts. This variation is often due to higher overhead costs and market demand.
  3. Type of breast lift surgery: Different types of breast lift surgeries have varying techniques and complexities, which can affect the cost. The specific approach chosen will depend on the extent of sagging and the desired outcome.
  4. Additional procedures: Some individuals may choose to combine a breast lift with other cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentation or tummy tuck. The inclusion of additional procedures will impact the overall cost.
  5. Complexity of the individual case: The complexity of each individual case can also influence the cost of a breast lift. Factors such as breast size, shape, and the amount of excess skin will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.

By understanding these factors, individuals can have a more comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects associated with a breast lift procedure.

Breast Lift Surgery: The Breakdown of Expenses

Anesthesia Fees

Anesthesia fees are an essential component of breast lift surgery expenses. These fees cover the cost of administering anesthesia during the procedure, ensuring that you remain comfortable and pain-free throughout the surgery. The type of anesthesia used and the duration of the surgery can impact the total anesthesia fees. It’s important to discuss these costs with your plastic surgeon during the consultation.

Hospital and Surgical Facility Costs

Hospital and surgical facility costs encompass the use of the operating room and any associated fees during your breast lift surgery. These costs are typically charged by the hour, and they can vary depending on the location and reputation of the facility. The length and complexity of the procedure can also influence these costs. It’s important to clarify these expenses with your surgeon and understand the breakdown of hospital and surgical facility costs.

Medical Tests and Post-Operation Garments

Prior to your breast lift surgery, your surgeon may require you to undergo certain medical tests to ensure your overall health and safety. These medical tests, such as blood work or mammograms, may incur additional expenses. Additionally, post-operation garments play a crucial role in the recovery process by providing support and protection to the breasts. The cost of these garments may vary, and it’s important to include them in your budget for breast lift surgery expenses.

breakdown of breast lift costs

Insurance and Breast Lift Procedures

It is important to note that most health insurance plans do not cover the cost of a breast lift procedure or its complications, as it is considered a cosmetic surgery. However, there may be exceptions if a breast lift is deemed medically necessary, such as in cases of breast reconstruction after cancer treatment. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider to understand their specific policies regarding coverage for a breast lift.

In the following sections, we will explore financing options and potential alternatives for individuals seeking financial assistance for their breast lift surgery.

Financing Options for Breast Lift Surgery

Despite the lack of insurance coverage, many plastic surgeons offer flexible financing options to make breast lift surgery more affordable and accessible to patients. These financing options can help individuals manage the cost of their procedure by breaking it down into manageable payments over time.

One common financing option is the availability of installment plans. These plans allow patients to pay for their breast lift surgery in regular monthly installments, making it easier to budget and afford the procedure. Some plastic surgeons may also offer medical credit cards, which function similarly to regular credit cards but are specifically designed for medical expenses.

Another option is to explore loans specifically tailored for cosmetic procedures. These loans can provide the necessary funds upfront, and patients can repay the loan over time with fixed interest rates and structured repayment plans.

It’s essential to discuss these financing options with your plastic surgeon during the consultation phase. They can provide more information about the available payment plans, explain the terms and conditions, and help you choose the option that best suits your financial situation.

By exploring these financing options, individuals can find a solution that aligns with their budget and allows them to proceed with the breast lift surgery they desire. It’s important to remember that choosing a qualified surgeon and prioritizing the quality of the procedure should always be the primary concern. However, with the availability of financing options, you can achieve your aesthetic goals while managing the cost responsibly.

Geographical Impact on Breast Lift Cost

The cost of a breast lift can vary depending on the geographical location of the plastic surgeon’s practice. Major urban centers and areas with higher costs of living tend to have higher prices for cosmetic procedures, including breast lifts. This variation is due to higher overhead costs for surgeons in these regions, such as office rent and staff salaries. To get a better understanding of regional variations in breast lift costs, individuals can consult resources like the Healthcare Blue Book or research average prices in their specific area. Understanding the geographical impact on breast lift cost can help individuals budget accordingly and plan for any additional expenses associated with traveling for the procedure.

Variation in Costs Across Different Regions

The cost of a breast lift procedure can significantly differ from one region to another. A breast lift performed in a major metropolitan area may generally be more expensive compared to a smaller town or suburban location. This variation in costs is influenced by factors such as demand, market competition, and the overall cost of living in each region.

For example, cities like New York or Los Angeles tend to have higher breast lift costs due to increased demand and higher expenses in running a practice. On the other hand, in smaller towns or rural areas, where the cost of living is generally lower, the price of a breast lift procedure might be more affordable. It’s important for individuals to consider these regional variations and how they may impact the overall cost of their breast lift.

Why Location Affects Pricing

Location plays a significant role in determining the cost of a breast lift procedure. The expenses involved in running a plastic surgery practice can vary based on location-specific factors. These factors include:

  • Office rent and overhead costs: Larger cities generally have higher rental rates and overhead expenses, which are reflected in the overall costs charged by plastic surgeons.
  • Staff salaries: The cost of maintaining a skilled and experienced staff can be higher in regions with a higher cost of living.
  • Equipment and supplies: The cost of medical equipment and supplies may vary based on location, which can impact the overall pricing of a breast lift procedure.

These location-specific factors contribute to the variation in breast lift costs and highlight the importance of considering the geographical impact when budgeting for the procedure.

The Importance of Choosing a Qualified Surgeon

Surgeon’s Experience and Reputation

The competence and expertise of the plastic surgeon performing the breast lift are crucial factors that can influence the overall cost. It’s important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience and a proven track record of successful breast lift surgeries. A surgeon’s fee may reflect their experience and reputation, as highly skilled surgeons who have garnered a reputation for excellence may command higher fees. By selecting a surgeon with extensive experience, individuals can have confidence in the surgeon’s ability to deliver satisfactory results.

How Surgeon’s Credentials Impact Costs

The credentials of a surgeon, such as board certification and memberships in professional organizations, can also impact the cost of a breast lift. Board-certified plastic surgeons have undergone rigorous training and have met specific standards of practice, ensuring a higher level of skill and expertise. Their expertise may come at a higher cost, but it is an investment in the quality and safety of the procedure. It’s essential to prioritize the surgeon’s credentials and reputation when choosing a surgeon, as opting for a more qualified professional can minimize the risk of complications and lengthy recovery periods.

Choosing a Qualified Surgeon

Combining Breast Lift with Other Procedures: Cost and Benefits

Some individuals choose to combine a breast lift with other cosmetic procedures to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. One popular combination is the mommy makeover, which typically includes a breast lift along with other procedures such as a tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast augmentation. By combining multiple procedures, patients can often benefit from cost savings and the convenience of a single surgery and recovery period.

This approach can be especially appealing for individuals who wish to address multiple areas of their body and achieve a comprehensive transformation. Plastic surgeons may offer comprehensive surgery packages that include a combination of procedures at a bundled price, making it more affordable and accessible for patients.

When considering combining a breast lift with other procedures, it is essential to discuss the cost and benefits with your plastic surgeon during a consultation. Your surgeon will assess your individual needs and goals and provide guidance on the most suitable approach for achieving your desired results while taking into account the cost implications.

Combining a breast lift with other procedures can be an effective way to enhance multiple aspects of your appearance and achieve a more comprehensive transformation. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the cost, benefits, and potential risks associated with this approach, and consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who has experience in performing combined procedures.

Post-Surgery Costs: What to Expect

After undergoing a breast lift surgery, it’s essential to consider the post-surgery costs that may arise. These costs include various expenses related to the recovery process and post-operative care. Understanding and budgeting for these costs can ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Here are some post-surgery costs to expect:

  1. Prescription Medications: Following a breast lift, prescription medications may be necessary to manage pain and aid in healing. These medications can include painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Follow-Up Appointments: It is crucial to attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing. These appointments may incur additional fees.
  3. Potential Complications or Revisions: While rare, complications or the need for revisions may arise after a breast lift. Additional expenses may be incurred for corrective procedures or treatments.

By having a clear understanding of these potential post-surgery costs, you can make financial preparations and ensure a successful recovery. Remember to discuss these costs with your surgeon during the consultation to gain a better understanding of what to expect.

The Longevity of Breast Lift Results

Understanding the longevity of breast lift results is important to manage expectations and consider the long-term value of the procedure. While a breast lift can provide lasting results, the durability can vary depending on various factors. These factors may include the individual’s age, lifestyle, changes in weight, and the type of breast lift performed. It’s important to discuss these factors with your surgeon during a consultation to get a realistic idea of how long the results may last. Additionally, maintaining the investment over time may require certain lifestyle adjustments and proper breast care. By understanding these aspects, individuals can make informed decisions and take the necessary steps to maintain their breast lift results.

Scheduling a Consultation: Preparing for Potential Expenses

What to Discuss During Your Consultation

When considering a breast lift, it is important to schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals, expectations, and desired outcomes with the surgeon. This is also the perfect time to ask any questions you may have about the procedure and its associated costs. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the expenses involved in order to make an informed decision.

During your consultation, you can discuss:

  • The specific details of the breast lift procedure
  • The surgeon’s experience and qualifications
  • The potential risks and complications
  • The expected recovery process
  • Any financing options that may be available

By having an open and honest discussion with your surgeon, you can gain valuable insight into the financial aspects of the procedure and make an informed decision.

Understanding the Comprehensive Quote

At the end of your consultation, the plastic surgeon will provide you with a comprehensive quote that outlines the specific expenses associated with your breast lift. This quote will give you a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, including the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fees, and any additional charges for hospital or surgical facility costs, medical tests, and post-operation garments. It is important to carefully review the comprehensive quote and ask any questions you may have about the expenses.

Understanding the comprehensive quote will help you prepare for the financial aspects of the breast lift procedure. It will give you a clear overview of the expenses you can expect and allow you to plan accordingly.


In conclusion, the cost of a breast lift can vary depending on several factors. The geographic location, surgeon’s experience, additional procedures, and individual case complexity all contribute to the overall cost. It’s important for individuals to have a clear understanding of the breakdown of expenses and explore different options for managing the cost.

Understanding insurance coverage options and considering financing alternatives can help make a breast lift more affordable. Additionally, choosing a qualified surgeon is crucial to ensure the best possible outcomes. It’s important to prioritize quality and long-term results over cost alone.

By scheduling a consultation and discussing potential expenses, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects involved in a breast lift. This will enable them to make informed decisions and properly plan for the procedure. Remember, investing in a breast lift should also involve maintaining the results over time through proper care and lifestyle adjustments.

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This is where the doctor will answer all your questions
Dr. Emily Turner
Ask Question
Dr. Emily Turner is a renowned plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation, celebrated for her dedication to patient care and exceptional surgical skills. With over 15 years of experience, she has emerged as a trusted authority, enriching the lives of countless individuals by helping them achieve their desired breast enhancement goals. Dr. Turner’s expertise has earned her recognition, including the Excellence in Breast Surgery Award and being named a Top Breast Augmentation Surgeon by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Educational Background and Credentials:

-Medical Degree: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
-Residency in Plastic Surgery: Massachusetts General Hospital
-Board Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery
-Memberships: American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

Expertise and Services:

-Breast Augmentation
-Breast Implant Revision
-Breast Lift
-Breast Reduction
-Breast Reconstruction
Questions to the expert
How much does a breast lift cost?
Dr. Emily Turner
The average cost of a breast lift in the United States is ,817, but the final cost can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon's experience, the type of procedure chosen, and the geographical location of the practice.
What is a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging or drooping breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissues to create a more lifted and youthful breast contour.
What are the types of breast lift surgeries?
Dr. Emily Turner
There are different types of breast lift surgeries, including the periareolar lift, vertical lift, and anchor lift, each with its own specific technique and incision pattern. The type of breast lift recommended will depend on the individual's breast size, shape, and desired outcome.
What factors influence the cost of a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
Several factors influence the cost of a breast lift, including the surgeon's experience and reputation, the geographic location of the practice, the type of breast lift surgery chosen, additional procedures performed in conjunction with the breast lift, and the complexity of the individual case.
What expenses are involved in a breast lift surgery?
Dr. Emily Turner
The expenses involved in a breast lift surgery typically include anesthesia fees, hospital or surgical facility costs, medical tests, and post-operation garments. These specific expenses should be discussed with the surgeon during a consultation to get a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects.
Does health insurance cover the cost of a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
In most cases, health insurance plans do not cover the cost of a breast lift procedure or its complications because it is considered a cosmetic surgery. However, there may be exceptions if a breast lift is deemed medically necessary, such as in cases of breast reconstruction after cancer treatment.
Are there financing options available for breast lift surgery?
Dr. Emily Turner
Many plastic surgeons offer financing options, such as installment plans, medical credit cards, or loans specifically designed for cosmetic procedures, to make breast lift surgery more accessible to patients. These options should be discussed with the surgeon to explore available payment plans or financial assistance programs.
Does the geographical location impact the cost of a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
Yes, the geographical location can impact the cost of a breast lift. Major urban centers and areas with higher costs of living tend to have higher prices for cosmetic procedures, including breast lifts, due to higher overhead costs for surgeons in these regions.
How important is it to choose a qualified surgeon for a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience and a proven track record of successful breast lift surgeries. While a highly skilled surgeon may command higher fees, it is essential to prioritize the quality and outcomes of the procedure over cost alone to ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of complications or unsatisfactory outcomes.
Can a breast lift be combined with other procedures?
Dr. Emily Turner
Yes, many individuals choose to combine a breast lift with other procedures to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. For example, a popular combination is the mommy makeover, which typically includes a breast lift along with other procedures like a tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast augmentation. Combining procedures can provide cost savings and the convenience of a single surgery and recovery period.
What are the post-surgery costs associated with a breast lift?
Dr. Emily Turner
Post-surgery costs for a breast lift may include prescription medications for pain management and healing, follow-up appointments with the surgeon, and potential additional expenses for any complications or revisions that may arise. It is important to budget for these post-surgery costs and have a clear understanding of what to expect in terms of recovery expenses.
How long do the results of a breast lift last?
Dr. Emily Turner
The longevity of breast lift results can vary depending on factors such as the individual's age, lifestyle, changes in weight, and the type of breast lift performed. It is important to discuss these factors with the surgeon to get a realistic idea of how long the results may last and to understand the necessary steps for maintaining the investment over time.
What should I expect during a breast lift consultation in terms of potential expenses?
Dr. Emily Turner
During a breast lift consultation, you should discuss your goals, expectations, and desired outcomes with the surgeon. It is important to ask questions about the procedure, the associated costs, and any potential financing options available. The surgeon will provide a comprehensive quote that outlines the specific expenses, helping you prepare for the financial aspects of the procedure.


The information provided on this page about breast augmentation surgical procedures is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance on breast augmentation.

Risks and Complications:

Breast augmentation surgery is a major surgical procedure with potential risks and complications. These risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, implant rupture, and changes in breast sensation. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor before making a decision about breast augmentation surgery.

Consult a Qualified Medical Professional:

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional. A qualified plastic surgeon can provide you with personalized advice and guidance on the risks, benefits, and alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. They can also help you choose the right type of breast implant and surgical technique for your individual needs and goals.

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Dr. Emily Turner/ author of the article
The Ultimate Breast Care and Enhancement Blog
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